Get a Poster of this at [LINK] , they have some awesome posters there! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON’T NEED A CONGRESSMAN TO KNOW WHICH WAY THE DRAFT VOTE GOES October 5 — House votes down draft bill Snippet from article: Washington - It started out as a cheap publicity stunt by US Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) – a bill to revive the military draft in America. Then House Re...
Okay I hear the Politicians talking about raises Taxes to pay off the Deficit, but they won't even bring up the subject of cutting their pay, come on, most of those Senators and Congressmen and women make alot of money, do they really need those $100,000 to $180,000 paychecks? Seriously if they just tighten their collective belts and take a cut in pay there would be less money being spent on them, after all as elected officials they are public servants, do they really need a good wa...
First I will start of with Webster's Online Dictionary Definitions of the word Moderate and Independent Main Entry: 1 mod·er·ate Pronunciation: 'mä-d(&-)r&t Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin moderatus, from past participle of moderare to moderate; akin to Latin modus measure 1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits (a moderate drinker) b : CALM, TEMPERATE 2 a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension b : ...
These are pictures of an independent trucker who has painted his cab and trailer with the names of all those who lost their lives in 9/11. The trucker's name is John Holmren from Shafer Minn. the trucker has been "pulled over" numerous times so troopers can get their picture taken with the truck. Be on the lookout for the truck, it might just come through your state. Awesome Paint job IMHO. - GX
You will not read this, but will more likely than not skim through it looking for ideas or snippets to pick apart missing the whole view that I will try convey. My political views stem from my religious ideas or my influence from religions, but these religious ideas or religions that have influenced myself are not main stay formalized religions. I will first start off with what religions have been apart of my life and which have influenced myself if any influence comes from them. Fi...
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Many KNOW about the release of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD on Oct. 5th. Few KNOW about the release of Fahrenhype 9/11, the rebuttal to Fahrenheit 9/11 and Michael Moore on DVD on Oct. 5th. So if you really want to be an indenpendant thinker instead of mindless automaton, watch both, and compare, than see which one was true, but don't stick to one because it just supports your party...anyways before I get too deep, just watch both with an OPEN MIND, mind you, Open not closed...
A Parody of the American Public's Love With Socialism Oh how I love Socialism for my health care is provided for by my Big Brother, though it takes weeks and months to get into see a Doctor, I don't have to pay for that Doctor, but alas the poor Mister Doctor seems so sad when treating patients and carefree(less actually) that when I go in for a broken arm, I have my leg amputated, but I don't care because my health care is provided by Big Brother. Oh how I love Socialism for my...
As not seen on ShoZan's Little Blog on the Prairie [LINK] Got this sent to me, and watched it. I can say it is clean and funny. News Report [LINK[ in Windows Media Video Format, right click and click on save as, unless you have clicks set up for Windows Media Files. Damn those subtitles!!!!!!
In an effort to be fair and equal to all parties, and since Kerry started the trend, I thought it would be nice to have candidates and their middle initial associated with a negative term, so here's what I think so far. (Please don't forget third parties, if I knew their middle initial and more about them I would post it) Now this is for fun, so before someone goes flying of the handle, THIS IS FOR FUN, get a sense of humor, you can probably buy one at your local supermarket for $19.99....
I am NOT my Brother's Keeper By Count Xiozan I am not my Brother's Keeper- Nor he mine- Though yet we love each other We make our own way in life I support my family through monetary means and he does as well I ask for no money from him Nor does he ask I Apart we struggle but without the easy way out we thrive and are better for the experience - I invent new ways to live my life better at the same time I seek profit from this I must support my family My brother does ...
I am off and on because of crunch time in school, volunteering with the American Red Cross (yes that is right baby!!), and working a seasonal job at KB Toys (what can I say nice to have money for some fly threadz, haha, look at me I can type English like a teenager). Though every time I have been on I have noticed a lot of anger being generated by those on the right and those on the left (equally or unequally I don't care). My point is this: I would like people to take a step back befor...
Looking at CATO and I only wanted to post a little 'something something'. Check it out, dawgs!! Link - Grim
I thought this was hilarious to hear of a website that offers relocation assistance to those who are disheartened by the US election and want out the US, well here is the answer to your prayers oh disheartened brethren. [LINK] Will help you leave this country and go to a country more suited to your political interests, alas there is not a single Libertarian country in the world as of yet so I will stay right where I am, plus despite his/her flaws I do love Amer...
Yesterday at the first official meeting of the (soon to be official but unofficial until we elect officers) Libertarian Party of Allen County, a fellow Libertarian introduced this game to pass the time away and I thought it was so nice that I would introduce it here. The idea behind it is to show the absurdity of somebody's idea, by first saying I agree than giving an example that proves the absurdity of the idea. Now the original game was designed for Libertarians to be used against St...