The blog of Gow (Tannicus), fiction and ramblings of the Coyote.
Tannicus's Articles In Politics
November 29, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Looking at CATO and I only wanted to post a little 'something something'. Check it out, dawgs!! Link - Grim
November 9, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Yesterday at the first official meeting of the (soon to be official but unofficial until we elect officers) Libertarian Party of Allen County, a fellow Libertarian introduced this game to pass the time away and I thought it was so nice that I would introduce it here. The idea behind it is to show the absurdity of somebody's idea, by first saying I agree than giving an example that proves the absurdity of the idea. Now the original game was designed for Libertarians to be used against St...
November 8, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Can war be justified as completely wrong or right? Does Diplomacy fail? How many times does it fail before a war ensues or should fail before conflict happens? Can the loss of life be equated with the loss of life with inaction? Will I get to the commenting on the topic at hand or will I keep asking questions? How many of think war is wrong by a show of hands? People who think war is right? So, what is the correct answer than? I know I said I was going to actual get to c...
November 6, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Totalitarian believers, Liberal followers, Conservative philosophers, fascist name calling crazies, and others who make up the United States of America I bring to you the message that the War against Bush is OVER, Bush bashing can take a backseat to paving a new road through effecting policy change if a policy is deemed ill by those who look at policies with an unbiased view (close to unbiased as possible). The truth is subjective and relative to your perception. Nobody holds a st...
November 2, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
I voted Badnarik, and I want to do a exit poll of JU member who have voted to get a feel as to what kind of numbers are turning out for each candidate, but don't answer if you have yet to vote wait until you vote than reply. Also if you are under 18 or non-registered voter (i.e. non US Citizen or US Citizen who is not registered to vote) , PLEASE PLEASE make sure you put that info in your reply so I can get an accurate depiction of registered voters who have voted. Can be something simp...
November 2, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
In the flavor of blogic logic I figured I would do the following to show that Penn of the comedy / magician duo, Penn and Teller has endorsed MichaelBadnarik!! Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik said that while he's not likely to win the election, there's a chance he could. "The problem is we've got to tell people I exist," Badnarik told a group of about 60 in a meeting room at Bugsy's restaurant and bar on Sahara Avenue Monday night. If only he had...
October 19, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
I was laughing my arse off. Check it out and weep or laugh: Link Hmm, looks like somebody will not be a Roman Catholic anymore by suffering the worse penalty one can suffer EXCOMMUNICATION. Sorry for the short post but I can't think of anything else to type on the subject. UPDATE: Vatican denies it responded to lawyer seeking Kerry's excommunication [LINK] LATER! Pope Grim Xaul II
February 10, 2005 by Xiozan
I am NOT my Brother's Keeper By Count Xiozan I am not my Brother's Keeper- Nor he mine- Though yet we love each other We make our own way in life I support my family through monetary means and he does as well I ask for no money from him Nor does he ask I Apart we struggle but without the easy way out we thrive and are better for the experience - I invent new ways to live my life better at the same time I seek profit from this I must support my family My brother does ...
December 2, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
I am off and on because of crunch time in school, volunteering with the American Red Cross (yes that is right baby!!), and working a seasonal job at KB Toys (what can I say nice to have money for some fly threadz, haha, look at me I can type English like a teenager). Though every time I have been on I have noticed a lot of anger being generated by those on the right and those on the left (equally or unequally I don't care). My point is this: I would like people to take a step back befor...
November 12, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
I thought this was hilarious to hear of a website that offers relocation assistance to those who are disheartened by the US election and want out the US, well here is the answer to your prayers oh disheartened brethren. [LINK] Will help you leave this country and go to a country more suited to your political interests, alas there is not a single Libertarian country in the world as of yet so I will stay right where I am, plus despite his/her flaws I do love Amer...
October 17, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Simple, which fictional character would you vote for. No Limit, just has to be a TRUE fictional character. My ticket would be Mace Windu (Star Wars) / Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones). Though I would also vote for a Alexander 'Alex' de Large (Clockwork Orange) / Guy Montag (F 451) ticket.
October 17, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Liberty, what means this liberty? What is the definition of liberty? Webster defines it as: Link to Webster Definition     Main Entry: lib·er·ty     Pronunciation: 'li-b&r-tE     Function: noun     Inflected Form(s): plural -ties     Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French liberté, from Latin libertat-, libertas, from liber free -- more at LIBERAL     1 : the quality or state of being free: a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : free...
October 9, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Get a Poster of this at [LINK] , they have some awesome posters there! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON’T NEED A CONGRESSMAN TO KNOW WHICH WAY THE DRAFT VOTE GOES October 5 — House votes down draft bill Snippet from article: Washington - It started out as a cheap publicity stunt by US Representative Charles Rangel (D-NY) – a bill to revive the military draft in America. Then House Re...
October 7, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Okay I hear the Politicians talking about raises Taxes to pay off the Deficit, but they won't even bring up the subject of cutting their pay, come on, most of those Senators and Congressmen and women make alot of money, do they really need those $100,000 to $180,000 paychecks? Seriously if they just tighten their collective belts and take a cut in pay there would be less money being spent on them, after all as elected officials they are public servants, do they really need a good wa...
October 4, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
First I will start of with Webster's Online Dictionary Definitions of the word Moderate and Independent Main Entry: 1 mod·er·ate Pronunciation: 'mä-d(&-)r&t Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin moderatus, from past participle of moderare to moderate; akin to Latin modus measure 1 a : avoiding extremes of behavior or expression : observing reasonable limits (a moderate drinker) b : CALM, TEMPERATE 2 a : tending toward the mean or average amount or dimension b : ...