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Impericus Tannicus
The blog of Gow (Tannicus), fiction and ramblings of the Coyote.
Pope: "I said no such thing about Kerry!!"
Excommunication of the Kerry one
Published on October 19, 2004 By
Grim Xiozan
I was laughing my arse off.
Check it out and weep or laugh:
Hmm, looks like somebody will not be a Roman Catholic anymore by suffering the worse penalty one can suffer EXCOMMUNICATION.
Sorry for the short post but I can't think of anything else to type on the subject.
Vatican denies it responded to lawyer seeking Kerry's excommunication
Pope Grim Xaul II
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on Oct 19, 2004
You know, it might just be me... but I didn't really hear about all those priests that molested children getting excommunicated.... I could be wrong about that, but honestly, if they haven't, well I think the Vatican has to re-examine its priorities...
Grim Xiozan
on Oct 19, 2004
I don't know either I just thought the excommunication of Kerry is hilarious.
on Oct 19, 2004
I don't think this will stop Kerry from saying over and over again that he was an alter boy 40 years ago. Which he has been using to try and make himself sound like he is a deeply religious man. Get real man, he has not stepped foot into a Church for anything other then a photos op. since then (that includes his wedding).
That's My Two Cents
on Oct 19, 2004
try and make himself sound like he is a deeply religious man. Get real man, he has not stepped foot into a Church for anything other then a photos op.
sounds like something both candidates do.
on Oct 19, 2004
In what way is Bush unfaithful to his religion? I've always heard the opposite about him: that he's
on Oct 19, 2004
I need a beer... and I don't even drink beer.
on Oct 19, 2004
"You know, it might just be me... but I didn't really hear about all those priests that molested children getting excommunicated.... I could be wrong about that, but honestly, if they haven't, well I think the Vatican has to re-examine its priorities..."
Excellent point...and instead of the Vatican acting quickly and coming down just as hard on those priests....they actually tried to ignore it and cover it up for YEARS. Their complicity in this tragedy is well documented and it shows a level of hypocracy that is beyond the pale. The fact that the Pope has decided to overtly try and use catholic churches in the U.S. to swing public opinion one way or the other in this presidential election is not a laughing matter. It reinforces the notion that we need a very strong boundary between church and state. I don't want the Vatican, some Mullah, or any other powerful and I might add "foreign" religous leader trying to influence the outcome of our elections.
on Oct 19, 2004
"I don't want the Vatican, some Mullah, or any other powerful and I might add "foreign" religous leader trying to influence the outcome of our elections. "
T Bones, I can't agree with you more. But, I'd like to add one thing. I don't want ANY religious leader, foreign or American, trying to influence the oucome of our elections. Once you start making religious decisions about our leaders, the separation of church and state gets narrower and narrower. I don't want, priests, rabbis, ministers, etc. infusing religion into the electoral process. Now, that's not to say that religious leaders are not allowed to have opinions. As long as they keep religious doctrine out of it.
on Oct 19, 2004
From what I've heard, Kerry is , in fact, very deeply religious and spiritual. He just doesn't find the need to wave religion in people's faces, the way Bush does. Kerry's concept of his religiousness is very personal.
Personally, I don't give a rat's ass if he goes to church or not. That's not what religion is about. That's not what spirituality is about. I believe that religion/spirituality are an inner sense of God. It's not about waving dogma in others' faces. It's not about waging wars. More wars have been fought in the name of religion, and the war in Iraq is no different. Problem is, Bush and his neocon "religious" nitwits started it. How utterly unreligious can one get. The fact that Islamist fundamentals are perpetuating it isn't the point. though they are as scummy, if not worse than other religious nutcases. For this reason alone, Bush and his ilk should all be excommunicated. I guess advocating a woman's right to choose is unacceptable to the pope, because it arguably results in the death of a human being. What does that say about waging war? I just don't see the logic here..........
on Oct 19, 2004
the thing is....John Kerry is a catholic....he has stated so in so many answers to so many questions....As a catholic, he has submitted himself to the authority of the head of the Catholic Church.
Do I want the pope determining who is president of our country? no....I am not even catholic....but if John Kerry is going to continue to use the phrase, "I am Catholic" in answers to issues such as abortions, stem cell research, what side of the bed he wakes up on, ect ect ect.....then he needs to face the issues of his stands going against the religious institution that he is a part of.
This makes me think of his "War Hero" stand about the Vietnam war.....he is a war hero....but God forbid ANYONE questioning that.....
Dr Guy
on Oct 19, 2004
Sorry Grim, it is a hoax. That site is in no way connected to the Catholic Church, and actually the Catholic Church wished it would go away.
As I have stated before, the church cant excommunicate you, you can only ex-communicate yourself.
And mythical, get a grip! The pope is the final authority on all things spiritual! Not fiscal or physical. Fearing the Pope would pull the political strings of any catholic shows not only a decided lack of sognitive ability, but also ignorance of the current facts. I would have thought that Kennedy laid those bigotted thoughts to rest 40 years ago, but now I see I am wrong.
on Oct 19, 2004
Reply #11 By: Dr. Guy - 10/19/2004 8:49:43 AM
Sorry Grim, it is a hoax. That site is in no way connected to the Catholic Church, and actually the Catholic Church wished it would go away.
As I have stated before, the church cant excommunicate you, you can only ex-communicate yourself.
While the site may be a hoax the fact still remains that the church CAN excommunicate you! I know this for fact. That is unless you want to tell my brother-in-law that he has not been excommunicated and that the letter he recieved stating so was false!
on Oct 19, 2004
well, since the pope really hasn't mattered in about 500 years, I think we'll be ok
on Oct 19, 2004
Reply #13 By: Myrrander - 10/19/2004 10:17:36 AM
well, since the pope really hasn't mattered in about 500 years, I think we'll be ok
Well, that's
outlook. Although I think you'll find a difference of opinion if you ask a practicing catholic the same question.
on Oct 19, 2004
"if John Kerry is going to continue to use the phrase, "I am Catholic" in answers to issues such as abortions, stem cell research, what side of the bed he wakes up on, ect ect ect.....then he needs to face the issues of his stands going against the religious institution that he is a part of. "
Kerry's whole point is that you can be Catholic, you can be religious, and you can even be President, but as President you should not impose your personal religious beliefs on those who do not share your faith, your religion, or your religous doctrines. If the Vatican wants to excommunicate him for that then it just underscores the fact that the Catholic Church is trying to exert influence where it has no business exerting its influence, namely, our presidential elections.
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