On Time, On Target, On Topic!! War can neither be defined as right (hooray for the anti-war people) nor can it be defined as wrong (hooray for the war people) and that is the definition put into its simplest terms. For one if war was always wrong than what would be the point in fighting back at all? If war was always right than how come we are not still in World War 2 or 1 right now? From Evil comes great good and from Good comes great evil. People shout that the Iraq war is wro...
Well I polished off Ayn Rand's Anthem and having been reading the Basic Writings of both Nietzsche and Kant (good stuff but slow going). I recommend Anthem for anyone who wants to read a 100 page novella about a man who is born to a socialist state, the book is a good counterargument to socialism as well makes me use the word I more often than the word we. Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy is something else but I figured I would read through it regardless since it paves the way into understand...