The blog of Gow (Tannicus), fiction and ramblings of the Coyote.
Tannicus's Articles In Humor
October 13, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Pulling a late nighter, and happened to run across Robert Anton Wilson's site and saw a little link at the top of the page that read 'Everybody for President'. Well after pilfering through his site for a while I clicked and got treated to a very nice treat. Check it out: 'Everybody for President' - Guns and Dope Party [LINK] Equal rights for everybody and ostriches, LOL Awesome stuff from RAW, though I suggest also reading his book 'Prometheus Rising' might reveal something ...
October 13, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Pulling a late nighter, and happened to run across Robert Anton Wilson's site and saw a little link at the top of the page that read 'Everybody for President'. Well after pilfering through his site for a while I clicked and got treated to a very nice treat. Check it out: 'Everybody for President' - Guns and Dope Party [LINK] Equal rights for everybody and ostriches, LOL Awesome stuff from RAW, though I suggest also reading his book 'Prometheus Rising' might reveal something ...
November 7, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Dance the Dance of the Dancing Dance Are we dancing yet? Why not? Silly you say? No music you say? Insane you say? What else are you saying? Look I am not a mind reader here, so what are you saying? Come again, what was that you said? I still can't hear you? Just a little louder? mmm-hmmm yeah I hear ya. DAMN NOT SO LOUD!! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME DEAF? Dance NOW!! No Music? Well put some on, damn it Janet!! Got some music on now? Say what, it i...
November 7, 2004 by Grim Xiozan
Dance the Dance of the Dancing Dance Are we dancing yet? Why not? Silly you say? No music you say? Insane you say? What else are you saying? Look I am not a mind reader here, so what are you saying? Come again, what was that you said? I still can't hear you? Just a little louder? mmm-hmmm yeah I hear ya. DAMN NOT SO LOUD!! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME DEAF? Dance NOW!! No Music? Well put some on, damn it Janet!! Got some music on now? Say what, it i...