The blog of Gow (Tannicus), fiction and ramblings of the Coyote.
For the might of our empire shall we fight for thee and guard thee even from thine own self - Talias Cull (Imperial Guardians) saying
Published on November 16, 2004 By Grim Xiozan In Misc
In the light of the moon I walk on this land,
My boot crushes a skull as I step forward,
The many have fallen against me and for me,
I stand alone in a field of death with tombstones of armor,
There is no one to left to hail me as King,
Followers, none do I have,
Was this fate justified when the goal and cause pure and just,
Many were slain who proclaimed peace by the enemy,
Enough were slain that no longer could we fight back with all our might,
Though for each follower that went down ten,
Nay! twenty of our enemy would fall at our hands,
Alas though I am the only one left here I am not alone,
For my brothers and sisters of War are coming for me,
From distant stars we shall drive this enemy from our universe,
and valiantly we shall stand above the corpses of our enemies,
as only than can we know and live in absolute peace,
for this is our way...the way of the proud...the way of the valiant...the way of those willing to fight and die for our cause...
our cause for peace, freedom, and existence.
No longer shall we suffer at the hands of our enemies,
no longer shall we suffer at the hands of our enemies,
For we are the mighty and I shall rise with brothers and sisters,
to rid the universe of this plague upon our people,
...long live the fighters of the Octavian Universal Empire.
For as long as the Clear Obsidian Throne stands,
as the symbol of our just cause and way we shall prevail, do we say or have said we all shall not fail in doing.

- Admiral Jeral Whitcap,
Speech to the Octavian Forces after the fall of Septavia, 4949 OY (Octavian Year)

Just a little try at speeches from characters from the epic of Xiozan, the Octavian Prince, a prelude of things to come...Plinko!!
- Grim

on Nov 16, 2004
We must initiate pathways of diplomacy with new races that we come across or else we shall suffer defeat at the hands of foe that has numbers that will cost us greatly both in lives and worlds. With allies we shall be able to curve that advantage that our enemy has and be able to turn the tide against them assuring victory not just for us but for our allies, our future generations, and our allies' future generations.

- Xiozan T. White
Federation Alliance Diplomat and Emissary from the Octavian Universal Empire
Speech given to Federation Alliance Counsel, 4999 OY

Xiozan T. White is the twin Brother (Younger) of Xiozan T. Black (Crown Prince of the O.U.E.), difference is eye color and hair color plus overall demeanor. White is more aggressive while Black is more passive.

Plinko for the Empire!!
on Nov 17, 2004
I know that many of you fear death and many you do not. Let myself speak first to those who those who fear death, it is only right and there is nothing wrong with you in my eyes for death is such a scary notion to you, an adbrupt end to your journey in life, but you must not give into that fear because if you do it will only lead to that inevitable end that you fear...instead work through that fear and get past it...for if you do you shall surely not reach an end that you find unworthy but no end at all for you shall live and not suffer the fate of death for you will be able to fight to stave off death not just for you but for your brethern in arms and the ones who are at home that you are fightining for.

Now I shall some words to those who do not fear not fear may put you into error an error that will cost you...your error that can be avoided not by embracing a needless fear but keeping the concept of that your life is a valuable commidity to you and your and fight for your future and only fear not being able to continue on if you throw your life away needlessly...and now we must suit up and head to battle...I will see on the battlefield...I will also keep your faces in my mind as I command from the frontlines...let this day stand as the first day in this war that we will finally turn the tide and make our enemy step back...take notice and fear for their very own future and for their very own lives...for we must prevail not just for ourselves...not just for our families...but for the future of our many different people...let us stand together and fight with all of our might...

For the Federation shall stand strong this day and the coming days of this battle...for I have placed my faith in you as you have placed your faith in me...we shall not let each other down...long live the warriors of the Federation Alliance Force...always.

Remember the sacrifice of Whitcap at the Battle of Tolzan and the chance he bought us this day to turn the tide of this war...never forget.

- Commander Xiozan T. Black
Commanding Officer, 49th Royal Golden Dragons, Federation Alliance Force and O.U.E. Crown Prince
Speech given to assembled units of the 49th, 35th, 27th, 69th, 11th, and 222nd prior to landfall at the Battle of Yorteg (Planet System Yoros, Planet Yortegorobos III)
4999 OY
on Nov 17, 2004
I seek their end from existence. I seek to have their bodies make up my throne and I will torture and eviscerate any of those who do not obey my command!!
- Deceivius
Ruler of the Deceivian Conglomerate
A command issued to his subordinate military commanders prior to the Battle of Yorteg