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Impericus Tannicus
The blog of Gow (Tannicus), fiction and ramblings of the Coyote.
Fahrenheit and Fahrenhype 9/11
Published on September 14, 2004 By
Many KNOW about the release of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD on Oct. 5th.
Few KNOW about the release of Fahrenhype 9/11, the rebuttal to Fahrenheit 9/11 and Michael Moore on DVD on Oct. 5th.
So if you really want to be an indenpendant thinker instead of mindless automaton, watch both, and compare, than see which one was true, but don't stick to one because it just supports your party...anyways before I get too deep, just watch both with an OPEN MIND, mind you, Open not closed, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN, than see for the REAL truth for what it is.
to Fahrenhype 9/11, has a trailer in Quicktime and Windows Media
Mikey's site with info on his 911 film.
Also in Fahrenhype 9/11, Sgt. Peter Damon and Sarasota School Principal Tose-Rigell speak out about their appearances in Mikey's movie.
As for Mikey's weight problem, I as being a former United States Army Specialist on Active Duty, have this to say to him:
"Before you continue to save other people by showing the "truth", you should first save yourself from an problem that could cause you to suffer from ailments that go along with that weight, lose weight, get healthy, than continue on, that is all."
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6 Pages
on Sep 14, 2004
Reply #2 By: liveletlive - 9/14/2004 5:59:19 PM
PS : If you want to look at American males that make us all look bad ; Look no further than George Bush.
He speaks like a 12 year old , acts like a 2 year old, and condescends to us all. He doesn't listen to America, or no one else,
and is the worst role model this Country has ever had.
Also, have you noticed that Dennis Hastert looks just like an older Michael Moore?
PS if you don't "like" it, then find another place to live. I for one am "tired" of your extreme left-wing bias!
on Sep 14, 2004
Trolling will never be allowed on my own article.
Just because somebody wins an Oscar for a film, does not make him/her holier than the rest of us who are living here in the United States.
Those who served in the Military have done more this country than a person who makes films, and that's the bottom line.
on Sep 14, 2004
Trolling will never be allowed on my own article.
That and saying because someone won an award for something that surely he/she is greater than myself who only writes blogs, well damn I thought my Military Service was something, and my going to College to get a degree in English Linguistics to further my goal in life was something too, but apparently since someone won an award for a film I must bow down to them with all my might, you can bet your ass I won't.
Texas Wahine
on Sep 14, 2004
My husband is coming home on leave around the time Farenheit 9/11 comes out . . . he has seen it (the soldiers bought a bootleg copy from a bazaar where they are stationed) but I have not. We plan to watch it together. I had not heard of the other one. We will look that one up too. Have you seen them, ShoZan?
Texas Wahine
on Sep 14, 2004
ShoZan: Where were you stationed when you were in the service? What was your MOS? *this sounds like I am questioning your assertion that you were in the military . . . I really don't mean it that way . . . I am just curious about you and your life in a get-to-know-you kind of way*
on Sep 14, 2004
I love it when someone like me , who is a level headed moderate gets called an " extreme left wing " person by someone who doesn't know me from Adam.
I'll bet you any amount of money that I have been healthier and wiser than most of you all my life.
Then they tell me to go live somewhere else if I don't like it. Actually , we may move away to someplace better - there are many.
I know it's hard for some of you to live without high IQ's , but you have to try to get along with those who know more than you...
on Sep 14, 2004
And there are many in the Military who have done NOTHING for this Country. Tim McVeigh was a military man wasn't he?
on Sep 14, 2004
Just answered my own question , but I knew I was right. Army man. Mass murderer.
on Sep 14, 2004
Texaswahine : be prepared to laugh alot and cry even more when you see "Farenheit" . It is a comedy , and it's very very funny .
But when it gets to the Flint woman who lost her son , be prepared. Its' an awesome film.
on Sep 14, 2004
There's really nothing moderate about you. Of course, it's fashionable to call oneself moderate these days. It reminds me of how people claim to be more selfless and humble than others through a megaphone.
on Sep 14, 2004
Oh , I see, my post was deleted because some one didn't agree?
You are a troll.
on Sep 14, 2004
I'm so glad all of you fanatics know me so well . You must be peeking in the wrong windows.
on Sep 14, 2004
As for seeing the films, I will wait until both come out on DVD so that way I can watch both on the same day.
Now I will try to condense the whole story of my military career into as small as possible.
I was tired of studying engineering fields altogether in College, and was pretty much burnt out, so I was looking at joining the military and heard about the Warrant Officer Flight Training Program (Helicopter Pilot), and read that I only needed to be a High School Grad, able to pass a Flight Physical, able to score 90 or better on the Army Flight Aptitude Skills Test, and so high on the ASVAB, this was in June 2001 when I first started looking into and applying.
Well it takes time to get through the process, and so after finally finishing my interview phase, the entire packet was sent up the chain of command and awaited decision, it reached them either before Sept 10th or on it. Sept 11th hit, and I had to wait, as everybody knows why.
Eventually I got accepted, and shipped off to Fort Sill, Oklahoma for Basic Training in the MOS field of 09W, which is the designation for a Warrant Officer Candidate, OCS guys have another designation but still use the 09 as well, arrived at Fort Sill on November 20, 2001.
Began Basic Training first week of December, I guess it could be said my downfall to my military career struck in the second week, when I injured my back during training, but continued on, not caring if I caused permanent damage, I was determined, though at some times it didn't quite show, to get through Basic and Become a Helicopter Pilot. I graduated at Fort Sill from Basic Training on Feb. 21, shipped out to Fort Rucker for Warrant Officer School on Feb. 23, turned 21 on Feb. 24, my birthday, and went through the process to enter the Warrant Officer School.
I will say I being a former engineer and am in know way a top peak physical person, but I have always kept my weight down, but am still in no way your top physical gung ho guy, but I did make it through Basic, but it was my run time that was the problem, I scored just a little bit over the 50% needed to graduate from Basic, at Warrant School they needed 60%, so I tried and failed, than went through a rehab PT program, all the time my back getting worse, and I still had no idea how that could affect my performance.
I kept trying and failing, but eventually I passed once, but disaster, the current X.O. did not want me to go with that class, so I kept training, but failed because I got sick from a trip to Panama City, I will never eat Raw Oysters again, so I got better, but eventually the constant stress to my back took it's toll, and my run became slower, my entire physical performance waned, so the
did up orders, which is the right thing to do, to reassign me to the needs of the Army as was in my contract, initially I favored the choices of Military Intelligence, and others, because I am not your typical combat arms guy, but as my luck would have it, orders came down that sent me to Fort Benning for Infantry Training in July 2002.
After getting to Fort Benning and being assigned to a unit, Drill Sergeants could tell that I was 'damaged goods' somewhat, so I went to military doctors to see if something could be done about my back injury, medication, anything, just to stop the pain.
Initially they had me popping Ibuprofen, and other pain pills, than received even more profiles, and Drill Sergeants, First Sergeant, and the Company Commander could see that I was not going to be able to cut it as an infantry man because of my back injury, but I still wanted to be in the military.
The doctors eventually gave me a permanent profile of 3 on L, Lower back something like that, and sent me through a Medical Board, I fought it and another Doctor was able to persuade the other Doctor, and the profile was lifted, more physical therapy was done.
2002-2003 timeframe here.
2003-Feb 2004
Tried even harder to get to a new MOS, even had the CSM on my side now too, but alas another Doctor took up my case, because both of the other Doctors got deployed overseas, so I went through another Medical Board and was found unfit for duty with an Permanent L-3 Profile, left the service on Feb. 3rd, 2004.
Now for what I did while I was still in service but could not be an infantryman, well Drill Sergeants, First Sergeant, and the Company Commander had me come into the Operations Room, and initially I worked with the Operations NCO alias Training Room NCO who are responsible for not only the Trainee's records, but make sure that the soldiers who do graduate have their packet together, which includes training certificates, plane tickets, and other things, etc.
BUT, I was not just limited to the duties of a Training Room NCO, which the one that I helped left, and than it was just me with the responsibilities, because another Drill Sergeant could not be spared simply because of the situations with Drill Sergeant numbers, not enough period.
So I would also type up Memos, do the AWOL paperwork, and when time came the Deserter Paperwork. I did whatever the CO,
, or 1SG ordered me to, as well as helping out Drill Sergeants in the Company, also kept track of who went to Sick Call, as well as helping with problems the Trainees had that I could help them with, that was a problem that a Drill Sergeant did not need to waste time with, which is how they ended up getting sent to me.
I worked with being the 'gopher' between the Company and the Battalion S-1 and S-3, sometimes the S-4 whenever we needed supplies in the office.
Before I left, I had at least 900 trainees come through and graduate, many who have gone overseas, few have even come back and given credit and thanks to the Drill Sergeants for training them so well. When I left I knew of only one who had died from our Company over in Iraq, the name evades me at the moment.
That's about it, I think I put all the info there, if you have a question about it, I will try to answer it to the best of my knowledge.
on Sep 14, 2004
And there are many in the Military who have done NOTHING for this Country. Tim McVeigh was a military man wasn't he?
He did serve in the Gulf War and was awarded a Bronze Star for his service, now what he did afterwards was completely wrong, but his contribution to the military was right.
Still an film award does not a savior and king make.
on Sep 14, 2004
Oh , I see, my post was deleted because some one didn't agree?
You are a troll.
I deleted that because it is MY POST after all, and the downright insinuation that since Mikey won award that he was better than me was just downright wrong, and you should be ashamed of it, as much as I was ashamed, albeit a little bit, by saying Mikey was fat, so I rewrote the top to be better, but I could not leave a post that just simply said that a Man who wins a film award is better than me or anyone. That is nothing more than a shock blogger post, which I found to more trolling than I cared for period, end of discussion.
I think therefore I am, and nobody is a better man than me, for we are equal we are brothers underneath the sky and the sun who live on this planet named Earth.
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