The blog of Gow (Tannicus), fiction and ramblings of the Coyote.
Simple, which fictional character would you vote for.

No Limit, just has to be a TRUE fictional character.

My ticket would be Mace Windu (Star Wars) / Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones).

Though I would also vote for a Alexander 'Alex' de Large (Clockwork Orange) / Guy Montag (F 451) ticket.

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on Oct 17, 2004
If thats the case, I wouldn't mind having a Yoda/Windu ticket.
on Oct 17, 2004
Prince Namor/Wonder Woman.
on Oct 17, 2004
Since I already voted for Brain/Pinky or Spike/Jet on the "other" thread...

Hiro (Snow Crash)/Alex Cross (any James Patterson novel)

or maybe...

on Oct 17, 2004

Hank Hill/Homer Simpson.

That'd make for an interesting term in office.....

on Oct 18, 2004
Jack Ryan from the Tom Clancy Novels.

/Reagan's Clone/
on Oct 18, 2004
I would go for 2 people who actually played politicians in the books their in and go with Peter Wiggin and Bean combination. Their brillant and work out good. Although I would probably prefer Bean to be in charge and Wiggin 2nd in line (but then theirs the whole matter of the fact that Beans close to death.)
on Oct 18, 2004
Come on party people let us post like there is no tomorrow even though there will be one.

I nominate a ficitonal character of my own creation Xiozan Black (crown prince of the Octavian Empire and proven battlefield commander) for the office of Emperor of the Earth. HAHAHHAHAHA

on Oct 18, 2004
Geico Gecko / Taco Bell Chihuahua

Low car insurance and tacos for everyone! A ticket that can't lose!
on Oct 18, 2004
Lucius Malfoy/Voldemort...compared to the other candidates, I think this would be the least of all evils....

on Oct 18, 2004
Why go for the lesser of evils when you can always have the Darkseid / Lex Luthor ticket!

on Oct 18, 2004
Jughead and Archie. Hey! I know! Charlie Brown and Lucy. He'd screw up and she'd take over and we'd have a woman president.

*grins wickedly*
on Oct 18, 2004
Montgomery Burns/Jesus Christ

They balance each other nicely.
on Oct 18, 2004
For President: Eric Cartman from South Park. For VP: Let's say Jack Ryan; that is a good choice Reagan's Clone.
on Oct 18, 2004
I guess it all depends on the genre you think we are living in. Here are my picks, sorted by popular (and sometimes literary) genre:

Fantasy -- Gandolf/Aragorn

Science Fiction (novel) -- Lauren Oya Olamina (Octavia Butler)/Ender (Orson Scott Card)

Science Fiction (film) -- Obi Wan (Guiness, please)/Jones the Dolphin (from Johnny Mnemonic)

Horror fiction -- Frankenstein's Monster/Ann Coulter

Theatrical Drama -- Henry V/Emperor Jones

Musical Comedy -- Nathan Detroit/Gypsy Rose Lee

Comic Book -- Superman/Batman (or possibly Storm/Kitty Pride)

Contemporary TV Sit Com -- Joey/Chandler

Classic TV Sit Com -- Rob Petree/Gomez Addams

Animated TV Series -- Lisa Simpson/Dr. Zoiberg

TV Drama -- Jeb Bartlet/David Fisher

on Oct 18, 2004
I did say no limits now didn't I, oh wait I did make on stipulation they have to be fictional but to hell with that rule as well.


Darth Sidious and Senator Palpatine

Hank and Dean Venture

Baron Underbeit and the Monarch

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